Contact Dr. Scotty

Stress, anxiety, imposter syndrome, and fears about success and failure all present in many different ways, but all of them take a toll on either your productivity or your ability to truly rest and recover (which then impacts your productivity). What is this costing you in: Time? Money? Health? Career Progression? Relationships?

You deserve to create the greatness you were destined to have. Let me guide you there.


Dr. Scotty Butcher, PhD
Founder of The Stoic Tiger Smashing Limits Program

About Smashing Limits

The Stoic Tiger's Signature 8-Week Program

The Stoic Tiger's Smashing Limits Program is an 8-week journey designed to empower you to overcome ALL of your limitations, including anxiety and stress, performance anxiety, imposter syndrome, procrastination, perfectionism, trauma responses, and more. Through a combination of nervous system training (BWRT, heart rate variability biofeedback, and mindfulness) and personalized coaching, you'll obliterate your specific triggers/limitations, learn to build resilience, and maximize your life/career performance and overall well-being. Our unique approach integrates the latest scientific techniques with practical strategies, ensuring a holistic transformation for your mind and body. Get ready to unlock your full potential and embrace a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Heart Rate Variability

Learn to regulate your heart rate variability for enhanced stress management and emotional regulation, improving overall resilience and well-being.


Experience Brainworking Recursive Therapy (BWRT) to rewire neural pathways, addressing deep-seated anxieties and transforming your mental landscape.


Cultivate mindfulness through guided meditation practices, fostering a sense of presence and calm, reducing stress and anxiety in daily life.

We all feel ‘anxious’ at times, right? True, but we often misconstrue what anxiety actually is. Anxiety is a natural human response to stress and challenging situations. Different than stress, which is simply an activation of our "fight or flight" reactions in response to a stressor, anxiety is the fear of what those stressors will do to us; and often persists well after the stressor is gone or even when a stressor isn't ever there.

Evolutionarily, anxiety and stress responses were critical to survival. However, in today’s life, the bears we’re fighting and fearing (finances, politics, careers, relationships, etc) often cause anxiety to become persistent and overwhelming, which have a huge effect on our body’s physiology, and in turn, our emotions and thoughts. This overwhelming response can hinder our ability to live a fulfilling life in many significant ways.  

The Stoic Tiger's Smashing Limits Program is EXACTLY what you need to:

  • identify and destroy your limitations and triggers;
  • understand your physical and psychological responses to anxiety and stress;
  • learn how to identify how these responses are crushing your health, your career, your sleep, your relationships, your decisions, and your life;
  • flip the script on your primal survival responses to reframe them as opportunities and regulate them so you can choose your responses, rather than being reactive; 
  • train your nervous system to know when and how to respond with the "fight or flight" branch or to activate the "calm down, rest, digest" (vagus nerve drive) branch;
  • develop DEEP rest and recovery that replaces the withdrawal and dissociation that inevitably comes from too much "fight or flight";
  • develop the focus and drive that all high performers need to cultivate to reach the highest levels of success;
  • achieve a level of resilience that when stressors do hit you, you can smile, avoid rage reactions, avoid fear, and MOVE forward with confidence that YOU. GOT. THIS.

In short, the Smashing Limits Program trains you to become FEARLESS, CONFIDENT, and LIMITLESS.

Interested in Learning More?

Submit your information below and Dr. Scotty will be in touch with you via email shortly. 

Meet Your Coach: Dr. Scotty Butcher

Dr. Scotty Butcher is the founder of The Stoic Tiger, with over 25 years in healthcare as a physical therapist and a PhD in physiology. Having personally navigated anxiety disorders, he brings a unique blend of professional expertise and personal insight to his program. Scotty is dedicated to empowering individuals to conquer stress and anxiety through science-backed strategies and compassionate support. 

In addition to his professional achievements, Dr. Scotty's personal journey with high performance limitations including anxiety has shaped his approach to success and wellness. He understands the challenges of living with limitations and has used his experiences to create a program that addresses both the psychological and physiological aspects of the subconscious mind. His empathetic and evidence-based approach has helped countless individuals find relief and build strength and resilience. Dr. Scotty is passionate about sharing his knowledge and empowering others to take control of their mental fitness.

Learn More About Dr. Scotty

Kelsey B.

“I was in a dark place and really struggling with balancing life and work. I had started to look for work outside of my field. I struggled with insomnia and finding joy in my day to day life...... Now, I have more balance to my life and am sleeping much more regularly. I’m also finding joy back in my work now. If I find something irritating, instead of reacting, I can bring myself down. It’s really changed my life - I’ve seen it and my husband has seen it too. But sleep is the biggest win for me... giving me the mental fortitude to meet the challenges I have day to day.”

Celeste W.

“At the start of the program, I was feeling in a dark place overall, burnt out with work, and overwhelmed with life and family things..... Now, I am able to manage my daily stress well and I’ve fallen back in love with my work. I feel more open to the fact that not every day is going to be the same and life is going to continue to throw challenges at me, but my mindset shifted to the point that I know I can handle it. I’m also kinder to myself now.” 

Interested in Learning More?

Submit your information below and Dr. Scotty will be in touch with you via email shortly. 

Here’s the compelling story of an individual who was once anxious and overwhelmed. Through anxiety resilience building, she transformed her life, highlighting the journey from feeling helpless and overwhelmed to becoming well-regulated and in control. This story is an inspirational example of what's possible with the right support.

Meet Sarah, a young professional who was trapped in a cycle of anxiety and overwhelm. The demands of her job, personal life, and the constant noise of modern living left her feeling paralyzed by anxiety. The overwhelm she felt at work spilled over to her home life where she would find herself randomly lashing out at her husband and young children. She disconnected from those she loved because she couldn’t just seem to get any good rest and recovery. And sleep? Forget about it – maybe 3-4 hours a night after hours of lying awake in bed. Always on edge, she feared her impending workday, was terrified about the effect on her family and career, and didn’t know how to break free.

While the outlook seemed bleak at the beginning, Sarah's story is one of transformation. Sarah finally recognized that she needed help and sought out a resilience mindset coach. With the support and guidance her coach, she used the strategies outlined in this program, learned to recognize her triggers and physical responses, understand her reactions, and developed practical strategies to regain control over her life.

Sarah's journey is a testament to the power of anxiety resilience. She transitioned from feeling helpless and overwhelmed to becoming well-regulated. Today, she manages her anxiety and stress effectively, knows how to find space to choose her responses, rather than reacting, and has finally learned what deep rest and recovery feels like, paving the way for a more
balanced, happier life.

Does Sarah’s story resonate with you? Are you, or do you know someone, who is struggling with performance limitations and overwhelmed by life's challenges. Through this program, you’ll learn effective strategies to regain control over your emotional state, reactions, and behaviors. This transformative journey involves self-awareness, stress management techniques, and setting realistic goals. You'll gradually transition from feeling utterly overwhelmed to a well-regulated state where you confidently navigate life's challenges.

Interested in Learning More?

Submit your information below and Dr. Scotty will be in touch with you via email shortly.